Tuesday 20 May 2014

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Bliss or Miss? | The Clam Shell - DEEP FRIED MARS BAR

For those of you who don’t know, my family actually come from Scotland. I love making the journey up to this beautiful country and last week was no exception. 

This edition’s #BlissorMiss is something of a confession. During my stay in lovely, historic Edinburgh - I did the unthinkable and went for it. I had to finally try a DEEP FRIED MARS BAR.

Judge me if you will, I thought it would be overwhelmingly sickly, but I really enjoyed it. It was molten, warm and comforting and the batter just provided a light crisp on the outside to hold this calorific creation together. I wasn’t alone… my sister and boyfriend both did the deed with me and they were all pleasantly surprised.

Where I purchased this most guilty indulgence, was a cute little place right near Edinburgh Castle on the Royal Mile, a shop named, ‘The Clam Shell’: Great, speedy service, very friendly and I believe they will deep fry pretty much anything!
So there you go, it’s out there in the open. I, Laura Reeves like deep fried Mars Bars and I’d commit the sin again! It’s lucky I don’t live in Scotland because I’d be in trouble! Is there anyone else out there who enjoys a battered Mars Bar?…or perhaps you’ve experienced a not-so delectable version? I want to know! Leave a comment or Tweet me @LauraJReeves!
For me, I am guiltily awarding this a, photo BLISSDFMB_zps9e0f0b76.png



  1. I've never tried one but I'd be up for giving it a go. It has to be said it looks gross .. but I'm sure it tastes much better than it looks. I was in Edinburgh a few weeks ago, I could have got one!

    Chloe x

  2. Hey Chloe, they definitely don't look great, but I'd say they're something you have to try at least one! I unfortunately think that may have not been my last...


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